Thursday 13 November 2014


We  have four new kittens - I took pity on them because my friend's cat had a litter so now we have four darling kittens but they can't come inside bc DH is allergic so they are huddled outside the door which breaks my heart. I feel awful that they aren't with their mama. I have enough separation anxiety coming from my own kids, going to school etc and now I have four motherless baby kittens whom I can't even bring inside from the rain and cold.  I set up the girls' old playhouse as the cat house, with a tarp and blanket, but they prefer to huddle outside the froont door on the door mat and it breaks my heart. What to do? My neighbor just told me I have to get all the cats neutered.  OY! I have enough tramatic freakouts from my own kids about going to the doctor. Now I have to take cats?  Honestly, between Bambina's morning wake up call of  "MAMA!!! I doooooon't want to go to school," and the kittens' orphaned state,
I feel emotionally drained.  

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