Tuesday 18 November 2014

Sick kids, clingy kittens

Kids home sick.  I feel like I have been on house arrest for days.  Hubbie is hosting an all-guy wine and food fete for the past four days and, thrilled as I am that they're having a great time, I'm more than a WEE bit envious that they are frolicking away, while I am on lock down with children.  Once I am able to pry the velcro kids off me, I get to run down to the back of our house to the laundry machine and do a load - which of course takes no less than 2 hours to do 2 bedsheets in the tiny European machine.  Washing the kids' linens takes all day, not to mention attacking the pile of dirty clothes.

Meanwhile, the kittens have pooped on their bed blanket again, so that needs a wash as well.  Then, while the kids are distracted with a Barbie movie (no comment please, you gotta use whatever works when you are on 24 hour duty), I get to run a vacuum quickly over the rooms they aren't near (before Bimba screams "mama! I hate that noise!" and persists in unplugging the vacuum).  A quick wash of the toilets and sinks…I feel I have truly sunk to a new depth when a sparkling clean sink feels like an accomplishment to me.

After taking care of the sickie children, I had the sitter come for 2 hours so I could escape  to the supermarket (what does it mean when supermarket shopping solo feels like a holiday retreat?) and spent the rest of my time figuring out how to insulate the kittens' house so that they will sleep in there instead of on our doorstep.  Honestly, I feel up to my eyeballs in kid care, and now the kittens seem to think I am their mama.  I lure them into their cozy little house, only to find them right back on our doorstep. We can't let them in because Hubbie is allergic.

 had no idea how much poop four kittens could put out.  Frankly, having no previous experience with cats, I just figured they would do their business out and about and occasionally come by for a meal.  Today I noticed that one was missing.  Fortunately, the girls didn't notice (as I was trying to work out how I would explain a missing kitten).  Tonight I heard it purring and found that it had managed to get into the downstairs apartment.

Which is why I am now finally getting to post at 11:30, after repeatedly putting sick children back into various beds, and checking on the various kittens.  Honestly, sometimes I wonder what it's like for other moms.  Ooooops…gotta go now. I hear someone purring. And another one crying.  Oy.

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