Monday 19 May 2008

Curious Toddler

Having a toddler is a bit like living with Jekyll and Hyde. One minute she's cute as a button and sweetly rocking her doll, the next she's throwing the doll across the room and screaming like a banshee.

Le bebe is making leaps and bounds in increasing her vocabulary and her struggle to speak. She starts before she even gets up in the morning "mama, papa, bebe" murmers from her crib and doesn't stop until she is passed out at night, chattering "pool, kick, mama" until she is fast asleep.

She is also taking more notice of particular details, especially when it comes to Mama and Papa. "Mama buckle!" she delightedly points to the buckle on my coat. "Papa pool!" she points to his swim trunks.

Tonight, as we played on the bed, waiting for Papa to come home to do the final Goodnight Ritual, Bebe exhibited one of those precious moments of sweetness, pushing back my hair to softly rub my cheek. Oh so adorable! However then, her eyebrow furrowed, she pointed to my chin, scrunched up her face and said "away!" The command she uses for things that displease her, the remains of her dinner, her dirty diaper. Pointing to a newly formed zit on my face, she shivered in disgust, "away Mama!" Geez, I thought I had a few years before the inevitable criticism of Mama began. Aren't I supposed to get a few years of adoration first?

A little while later, I was standing in the kitchen, preparing dinner. We were still waiting for Papa. Bebe was contentedly munching on a cracker, dressed in diaper and PJ shirt (that's as far as we had gotten in the night time dressing procedure) and exploring Papa's wine cabinet asking "Papa? Bella?" "Those are for Papa," I would repeatedly reply.

Bebe sidled up to my leg, wrapping me in her version of a bear hug. What sweetness! Then she promptly pulled down my pyjama pants, announced "Eat Mama!" and took a playful bite out of my butt! I was torn between shock, laughter and the zinging pain of being bitten on the butt. I have no idea where she got that one from.

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