Friday 21 March 2008

Petite Americani

I just finished reading "petite anglaise".  I bought it at WH Smith in Paris on a rare day when Bebe had 4 consecutive hours of babysitting.  I had planned on visiting the L'Orangerie, perhaps taking a walk in the Tuilleries, maybe even some intellectual stimulation by reading a newspaper - in French to improve my linguistic skills.  

Instead, I spent 3 hours parked at a table in Angelina (touristy, I know but it felt indulgent and it is practically next door to WH Smith), reading "Petite Anglaise" (  Being an anglo mom in Paris, I was desperate to hear of someone else's experience.  

For weeks, I was looking forward to attending her reading.  I made sure Hubbie would be home in time to babysit.  When the moment of departure came, I was just zonked.  Sprawling out on the sofa seemed much more appealing than 2 metro rides to get to the reading.  

As I tell every other mom, raising a baby (especially a toddler) takes every ounce of energy and it's ok to take any opportunity to just flop.  

1 comment:

victor said...

Flopping is an essential part of the broader picture. The act of flopping is a preferred method of survival whenever possible. One has to use their flopping muscles or loose them.