Friday, 26 October 2012


6 year old Petite has friend over for playdate. "Let's pretend we are sisters at a dance and all the boys are surrounding us" "OK pretend he kissed you and now you're dead but then you're alive" "I got kissed!" "Me too!" 3 year old Bebe is crawling around on floor pretending to be a puppy dog. Petite twirling around the room "the boys are all trying to dance with me" YEE GADS!!!! This is age SIX? What the hell am I in for in 10 years????

Gluey mom

Took bebe to kid science museum this morning. She isn't interested in any activites but a number of her camp counaelors work there. She's mostly interested in following them around and chatting. Basically, we could just schedule a coffee date. Did manage to get her mildly interested in glue project - Only bc favorite counselor was sitting at that table. Now I just dropped kids at Grandm'sa house just in time to head off to meetig only to discover glue on front on new sweater At least I didn't wear the cashmere one Damn Didn't bring change of clothes Desperately try and rinse glue off sweater front Resulting in large water stain replacing glue stain Lovely impression I'll make How do other moms seem least drift between preschool paint and glue activity and professional "I have it all together" work life?

Sunday, 21 October 2012

SO happy to be in California right now. Shlepped the girls to Tahoe
for the weekend. Because MAMA has been dying to get to the Sierras (a huge pull for me to move back to CA). Previous weekends/trips "en famille" have not fared so well (read: SUCKED!) - including taking them "off the beaten track" in Morocco, to a fabulous luxury hotel in Sorrento that hubbie was shooting. Hotel room bigger than our entire apartment which turned out to be much needed since it RAINED FOR A WEEK - and Mama was solo entertaining two tykes - one of whom insisted on only eating hot dogs (in Southern Italy? Not so easy to find). So, trepidatiously, we embarked on this weekend, discount hotel room since very "off" season at ski resort. Turned out to be GORGEOUS foliage (=happy Mama) and even though no hiking (not with these two), we managed to put them on the back of bikes and take lovely ride through fall foliage (bribing them with chocolate along the route). A tantrum free (almost) weekend (empty hotel helps - no fear of waking paying guests). Feel we might be back in the game!