Friday, 7 September 2012

Settling in

Two weeks into Bebe's new school and things feel almost settled. Found out that the heater in the floor IS in fact legal and up to code. Amazing since in order to heat the place, the metal grate on the floor will heat up to burning hot temperature, enough to severely burn feet - big or little. Of course there is no way I will use it as it is place directly outside the girls' room. Can't believe this is up to code. Jeez. washer and dryer finally arrived after two weeks and, I kid you not, no less than 10 phone calls and 15 emails which arrived daily, each one confirming a different delivery date and time. Are we actually IN the USA? Land of "convenience"? Seriously, it was more "convenient" to take Bebe and trek across town to DARTY in Paris, place our order and wait for the delivery.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Fairy WIngs

Tonight while falling asleep, Bebe announced, completely matter of factly, "Mama I don't want to do the Olympics in swimming or gymnastics because I am wishing for fairy wings and then I will be able to fly"